10/18/2022  Peter Jason Gould

Localzz is a B2B and B2C digital marketplace and media company that currently includes 100 launched of a planned 1000+ national (and global) information marketplaces with close to 1.7+ million self-placed business listings to date. Localzz expects to hit 5 million listings by the end of 2023. This diversified network is currently adding around 100,000+listings a month with a branded, innovative, and networked strategy. LocalFeatured.com,  USAFeatured.com, Businessezz.com, and Listingzz.com are just a some of these marketplaces.

The Localzz has a 1500+ domain portfolio to build out into a massive owned and operated marketplace and media network. The Localzz Network has a strategy to launch a total of 1000+ diverse 500+ category to niche marketplaces, then on to a Platform-as-a-Service portal to manage the marketplace listings. LocalFeatured.com is just one of these Localzz Marketplaces.


Localzz is like 1000 businesses in one as a digital one-of-a-kind and all-in-one advertising and information solution company.

Localzz is like creating, connecting, combining, and building 1000 businesses under one roof. Why not look at the digital information entire market landscape and come with an entire plan to go after a massive market? Then look at what can be branded, centralized, standardized, shared, networked, streamlined, and promoted as a whole. There are many functions that are similar in each business.  Why think small when you can go after it all?

The Localzz Network has the vision, domain portfolio, and strategy to launch a total of 1000+ diverse 500+ category to niche marketplace and media sites all networked together into a digital information ecosystem. Localzz has plans for value added features, services, products, content, and partnerships with each branded niche marketplace vertical. Localzz also has plans for building an advertising, listings, content, and article PaaS portals for customers or content providers to manage information, data, and content through API connections with the Localzz O & O properties.

There are plenty of single brand, single marketplace, single directory, or single media sites, but no company comes to market or is in the market like the Localzz Network. Localzz has a 1500+ domain portfolio with a plan to launch 1000 plus sites with 300 plus category diversified marketplaces to niche marketplaces. Localzz currently has a combination of 100+ diversified information to niche marketplaces taking self-placed listings currently with a plan to get to 200 to 250 marketplaces by end of 2023.

With increased revenue, certain funding, or certain outside investment the Localzz could scale, launch, and establish 1000 marketplaces. Then on to a strategy to add value to niche websites, PaaS or SaaS portals, and then to media sites. The media sites may use a strategy of company content, contributor content, or even guest posts. Domains have been acquired to advertise, market, and promote all these future business and growth initiatives.

Localzz understands that digital advertising and marketing for any business can be confusing, complex, highly fragmented, time consuming, and expensive. Localzz creates a centralized, simplified, and affordable solution with a network of branded national to local branded marketplaces.

Small businesses need easier to use digital destinations to advertise, market, and promote all the details of their businesses. The Localzz creates that solution by thinking bolder, larger, and simpler by keeping the business customer in mind and their budgets. Digital advertising can be easy and affordable. Localzz offers basic and featured listings. Localzz is currently allowing advertising category selection, social media link promotion, logo, or brand promotion on most marketplaces. Localzz Marketplaces allow just not search but browsing through a category directory structure to find local businesses. Localzz puts the advertiser in control of their marketplace heading or title and business description. Localzz also supports business coupons on most sites.

The Localzz Network is empowering businesses to grow their businesses through self-placed listings on a digital national (and global) to local listing branded marketplace and media ecosystem.

The Localzz customer is any business that wants to advertise, but also any consumer looking for local information, services, and products. Many businesses have stated they have found us by internet searches. The Localzz also ask businesses to share our business with every listing posted.

There are over 33 million businesses in the USA and Localzz is creating a network of branded digital marketplaces for their information and details. In the USA, digital advertising spending was over $211 billion in 2021 and is expected to be $315 billion by 2025.

With 1000 marketplaces planned the Localzz could sell listings on each of 1000 marketplaces or sell multiple listings on each branded marketplace to each business, so 33 million businesses could be multiplied by 100, 250, 500, or 1000.  The Localzz marketplaces are also open to businesses in Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Currently, I am deleting many ads from outside these regions. Requests are coming in from more European countries and others are asking to be able to add listings for their countries.

Localzz provides a digital marketplace, media, and advertising solution for businesses of all sizes and most categories or verticals. The Localzz Marketplaces can be found at LocalzzMarketplaces.com, Localzz.com, LocalzzNetwork.com, LocalzzMedia.com, 100Marketplaces.com, 1000Marketplaces.com and hundreds of other domains that forward to these domains.

Some Localzz flagship brands include LocalFeatured.com, LocalStorefronts.com, LocalPromoted.com, Businessezz.com, LocalsHQ.com, Listingzz.com, Servicezz.com, LocalzzHQ.com, and NorthlandHQ.com. Some of these flagship brands include business listings, classifieds, employment, events, real estate, and vehicle listings and information.

An important note to make is that each Localzz marketplace or media site can expand from a current design and site offerings. In other words, make them as simple as possible to build a content (listings) and customer base, then add the value with more services, products, or partnerships.

Localzz has launched a few “Local” branded niche destinations like LocalEmployed.com, LocalEvented.com, and LocalHoused.com. These are branded like their niche of employment, events, and housing.

Of the 1000+ marketplaces Localzz plans to launch an estimated 500 (half of 1000) as general business 300 plus category business related sites and the other 500 will be more niche marketplace destinations with value added features, services, products, content, and partnerships.

Examples of niche sites: Digitalizze.com, Freelancerzz.com, Homeizze.com, HomeRepairzz.com, HomeServicezz.com, Legalzz.com, Professionalzz.com, Productzz.com, Repairzz.com, Restaurantzz.com, and more to come.

Future examples include Cookizze.com, Couponzz.com, Dinnerzz.com, Exteriorizze.com, Familyzze.com Fitnessizze.com, Lunchezz.com, Mealizze.com, Recipeizze.com, Savingsland.com, Startupizze.com, Takeoutzz.com, Travelizze.com, Vacationzz.com, and Weddingizze.com. I believe their naming or brand may define their niche.

With any of the niche marketplaces listed above and others owned there will be wide variety of ways to differentiate these brands from others in the market with valued added products, services, content, affiliations, and partnerships.

Digitalizze.com would move to more of a hybrid marketplace and media site covering all things digital with products, services, content, affiliations, and partnerships. Digital related content from guest posts, company provide information, contributor information, and digital product reviews.

Freelancerzz.com and Freelanceizze.com would start as a freelance marketplace, then move to a possible bid for project platform, ratings, reviews, and more.

Homeizze.com, HomeRepairzz.com, HomeServicezz.com, and others would include insurance, installation, a variety of software, how-to, project advice, project videos, preferred service providers, picture gallery of projects, resources, local utilities, local permitting information, and much more.

Legalzz.com and Legalizze.com would start as a legal niche marketplace, then could add legal SaaS or PaaS for template legal forms or document creation. The Localzz is currently seeing a large amount of law firms and Attorney listings from all over the USA.

Takeoutzz.com would be local takeout services marketplaces with menus, picture gallery, featured restaurants.

Vacationzz.com would be a vacation information marketplace and media destination for all things about vacations.

Weddingizze.com would be all things local about weddings, wedding services, wedding products, and wedding locations with pictures.

I could go on for over 1500 brands and domains that are owned and acquired for a planned development use. Assets can be found at LocalzzBrands.com and LocalzzDigital.com

Localzz also has plans for building an advertising, listings, content, and article PaaS portals for customers to manage information, data, and content through API connections with the Localzz O & O properties. Localzz maybe branding these as AdvertisingPaaS.com (AdvertisingSaaS.com), ListingsPaaS.com (ListingsSaaS.com), ContentPaaS.com, and ArticlePaaS.com. These would be a Platform-as-a Service or Software-as-a-Service that would include a central site that would connect to the Localzz O & O marketplace and media sites. The advertising and listings platforms would post, list, and manage business details like site basic or featured listing, listing category, listing title, short description, longer description, organization, name of business owner, address, hours, phone, website, social media information and links, photos, length of listing, and more listing options. Listings may run daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. In this PaaS you could select 1 or up to 1000 marketplace owned by Localzz. Listings may be introductory, promotional, free, basic, featured, or promoted.

A ConentPaaS and ArticlePaaS would be more for guest posts, contributors, influencers, or company content going from one platform out to possibly 1300 marketplace and media sites. Each branded marketplace and media site will have certain article or content categories with title, synopsis, author, publication date, article content, social media links, possible link to website, and picture or brand upload.

The Localzz is really focused on small businesses. As I review hundreds of thousands of listings I see an incredible number of small businesses like local law firms, tree services, solo start-up businesses, locksmiths, and thousands of other businesses that probably don't have the resources or knowledge to advertise on the other major search engines and marketplaces. The Localzz can give them a start and long-term advertising home. They can log in and advertise on one site or 100 marketplaces at this time. They can probably place a single listing in under 10 minutes to a local, national, and global audience. Localzz makes digital advertising simple for any business. I believe digital marketing agencies have been adding listings for their clients. Also, I get requests to add additional countries. I get requests for quest posts, articles posts, and a variety of advertising or linking requests.

Localzz is currently offering listings for the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The Localzz strategic strength is our massive portfolio size, networked design, ability to scale, centralization, standardization, diversification, and outright value to businesses.

The Localzz growth is on autopilot! A great deal sells itself and listings are coming in at an incredible rate. Businesses of all sizes need a digital network of marketplaces that puts them in control of advertising all that makes them great.

Let's put the business first! Localzz creates a digital advertising solution for almost any business like nothing else in the current market! LocalzzNetwork.com

The Localzz believes all businesses could possibly advertise on one of our owned and operated marketplaces. In addition, each business could place listings on multiple categories on each marketplace and place listings on all 100 marketplaces and future 100, 250, 500, and 1000+ marketplaces.


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